Our target market understood that kids with active imaginations were the most likely cause of a water-damaged floor. Being a summer promotion, we were inspired by classic water-themed summer movies as kids might recreate them in your living room.
• W3 Award - Silver
• Telly Award - Silver

Pirates Yaarrrgghh! (aka those Johnny Depp playing Keith Richards movies) :30 

Floataway (aka that Tom Hanks flick co-starring Wilson) :30

Shark Bite (aka that terrifying Richard Dreyfuss movie) :30

Finding Clownfish (aka that Pixar movie) :30


A landing page on Pergo.com housed our summer home movies, allowed users to browse all Outlast+ flooring styles, and directed to HomeDepot.com for purchasing samples.
The Outlast+ campaign experienced above industry-average view-through-rates of 39%, as well as a very high video completion rate. During this campaign, we also tested running targeted video ads across mobile and desktop devices aimed at movie-goers with an affinity for home improvement and DIY. This test alone drove nearly 2 MM impressions and resulted in over 35,000 clicks to the Outlast+ landing page with an above-average click rate of 1.76%. Our fun, unique creative drove strong engagement with our video content as we garnered a video completion rate of 88%. Videos appearing in social ads generated another 3.75 MM impressions and nearly 92,000 clicks to the campaign landing page.

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