Our video-based brand campaign gave Pergo floors a voice. A voice that accepts you for who you are and wants you to live life as you see fit. Pergo has the durability to never show evidence of all the crazy individualistic things you do. One thing’s for certain: Pergo floors don’t judge you. We used a popular social media sentiment, “not judging,” and applied it to Pergo flooring, i.e., "Floors That Don’t Judge."
• W3 Award, Category: Video Campaign – Silver

Drone Pilot :15

Recipe for Disaster :15

Virtual Insanity :15


Built within HubSpot, the brand campaign landing page told the story of Pergo flooring in terms that would be relevant to the lives of our audience. Using playful photography of families being themselves and truly living on their floors, we established a worry-free tone that would provide confidence to potential Pergo customers.
The landing page featured the campaign videos, information about the benefits of owning a Pergo floor, as well as lead generation opportunities via a free sample order and flooring-personality quiz.

Ads for Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest were created to bring the campaign to life online. Like the videos, the ads were developed to be fast and quickly make the case for Pergo being the most durable and stylish floor you could buy. The online engagement was high, with many users sharing their own 'not judging' flooring stories in the comments.
Brand campaign banners featured scenes from the videos along with a handwritten note from Pergo.

Facebook Video Ads

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300x250 Banner Ad

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